Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thank You, God, for Seasons!

How did God know that every 3 or so months we need CHANGE? What divine knowledge and creativity He had in creating the change of seasons. I mean, I know that it has significance for every living species and our entire planet is sustained by this constant cycle of death and rebirth...but...seriously, did he have me in mind? I know that sounds so self-centered...that he would have gone to all that trouble for me, but in some small way I believe he knew that we, his children, would need the change of Seasons in our lives just as desperately as the rest of the planet.

The last week or so I have been getting antsy AGAIN, and NEEDING something to change. I thought of chopping off my hair. I thought of trying to get pregnant. I thought of quiting my job (I say that with trepidation...but, Nanci, I think you are my only reader from work so hush!). I even dreamt I could talk Richard in to moving, but than it happened...our first cool crisp Fall like day, signs of my first pumpkin turning orange, crunching acorns on the ground, and yes, even the slight hint of color on the mountains. It happened...God provided the change just as He always does at just the right moment. I am going to drink it in...slough off the old, drop my leaves, and bask in the glory of the FALL! Thank you, Lord, for knowing our needs even before the foundation of the earth and creating us for the earth and the earth for us! Thanks...I love you!


Becky Swann said...

Oh Heidi such wise words! I think you are great at putting things into perspective, you have always done that for me! I'm excited I got to see you on this fall day too! And Addison after her lacrosse practice:)
Maybe you and I should try and walk on the Montreat soccer team do you think they would let us?

Sunday Grant Photography said...

you were thinking about getting pregnant!!! isn't it funny what people pick up in the blogs?! You are so right, of course. I love this new crispness in the air it is just awesome.

Sunday Grant Photography said...

oh and your pumpkins are just turning orange? when did you plant them? we have not figured out our pumpkins yet. they are done by august and rotten by october. We need to be better.

Julie said...

Yeah, the pregnancy sparked my attention immediately.

I am glad you didn't decide to move.

I actually used to not like fall very much because it meant that winter was coming and I hate winter. But that it a really bad outlook so I have learned to love fall too. It is good to wear jeans.

Adam and Annie said...

Heidi, that was one of the most beautiful blogs I've ever read! I was literally leaning forward reading it! Ha! I'm totally there. The city began creeping in on me, and then this week, blasts of cold air came out of nowhere...a welcome change. The crisp air brings new hope that something is happening. We don't have trees changing yet though!

Anonymous said...

Heidi you couldn't have said that any better.. I was thinking the same thing! Though the fall here in GA isn't the same as NC falls.. but oh I love the season! God definitely knew what he was doing!

Heidi and Richard King said...

Sunday, my pumpkin plant is the one you gave me at BR's birthday party...funny it acted so differently. Maybe they just know you love Fall so turn early. Thanks Annie and Courtney! Jeans and hoodies are the best!

Unknown said...

I know exactly what you mean, but you put it so much better than I ever could.
It's hard to accept the now and live in the today's.
thank you for the reminder.
Pregnant, moving?
Now those are drastic, you are so dramatic. Jk, I am dramatic I know.

Niki said...

Heidi what a cool post. You are so right, too. I have been there so many times--burnt out and sick of my routine and then gotten the energy and excitement I needed from a new season. Fall seems to be my favorite one, though.

That picture is beautiful.