Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My little flock

Well, below I have included some pictures of my favorite two sheep. This was our Halloween costume. Richard was a little concerned that we would be pegging Addie as the black sheep of the family, but she wasn't fazed. They are both amazing kids and I am blessed, and many times humbled, to be their mom. They both had so much fun in their costumes and eating candy. I think we left a trail of cotton balls everywhere we went. Between that and the trail of candy wrappers I knew they wouldn't get far!

Ok, on a different note, I was "tagged" by Becky to list 10 things about myself that others may not know. Here goes...

1. When I was little I would pull up the covers to the bottom of my chin so that if a murderer came in he would pass me up because he would think that someone had already cut off my head.
2. I really hate watching movies like "Meet the Parents" because I just totally stress the whole time for the characters in the movie. It is more of a nail biter for me than a suspense movie.
3. A horrible nick name I was called in elementary school (as Jen reminded me just now on the phone) was "Heidi Yoder Gas Exploder". I think the only reason was the rhyme, but maybe that is why I refuse to "toot" in front of even my husband now.
4. I hate hate Lima beans! Mom used to make me eat "just two more bites."
5. I love oysters!
7. I would love to move to another country for a year.
8. The first night my dad met Richard was when we were sneaking into his supposedly empty house at like 3 in the morning. Not a good first impression!
9. I used to want to either be a ventriloquist or a dolphin trainer...weirdo, I know.
10. My face turns red really easily which drawls even more attention to the fact that I embarress easily.

Ok, there it is...I think I feel a little lighter now! Funny stuff. I can't wait to read everyoneesle's. I really don't have any bloggers to tag, since Becky about covered it! I look forward to reading them though.


Jason and Jennifer Haynes said...

Oh I love this game! (even though I'm procrastinating on doing mine...oops) Heidi, it's so fun to discover these things about you! I have always wanted to be a Killer Whale trainer (ok, amongst a million other things). We should both move to Sea World and fulfill our dreams! Gosh I could say something about each one especially becasue I hate lima beans, love oysters, would move to another country for a year and also did that funny cover thing! We are the same person! ...well, except I don't toot...sorry "gas exploder".

Becky Swann said...

Yeah you used your taggedness ;)
I love your 10, you are such a gas-exploder, I used to get Becky Fart, so I can relate! I hate oysters, too much like loogies, I love little cotton ball sheep though, they are my favorite, not to eat but to give candy too.:)

Julie said...

I love the sheep costumes. very creative. I enjoyed reading your list! How interesting that those movies stress you out. I swore off scary movies a long time ago because I would be worn out after watching them from the emotional stress.

Your kids are so darn cute!

Unknown said...

So funny.
you are so funny. What was that about gas? I could teach you some things there you know, how to loosen up a little.
You are so creative and wonderful, I'm thankful to be your friend and your kids o your little sheep, I love them so much.

MC and Brian Phillips said...

Oh MY GOSH! I just woke Brian up to show him the cutest little sheep I have ever seen! I Love the homeade costumes...oh geez. oh so cute!

Anyway, yes, your 10 things were very fun to read. I love the head in the covers thing. Brian taught me to "loosen up" and be gassy. Boy does he regret it now. You've got to get over that one! ;)

I miss you Heidi!

Sunday Grant Photography said...

i can't toot either. i have a coupld of times and i get terribly embarassed. love the top 10 and love the sheep.

Anonymous said...

What cute sheep! I love that so creative too!